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Sue White


Voice Artist



TV Commercial Casting Coach



Who am I?


I've been dancing, modelling and acting in commercials since I was 2 years old. Both my Dad and uncle were in the industry and with my love of performing and being in front of the camera it was only natural

for me to follow in their footsteps.

I never dreamt of being in the movies and being famous. I'm actually an introvert who loves to perform! My dream was to dance professionally, to model and act in TV commercials - which I've done in spades over the last 30 years. But my biggest dream of all was to present a TV show!

This is a good time to mention that I'm a huge animal lover and a dog nut!  After volunteering at shelters and seeing how many beautiful animals were desperate for loving homes and then doing the home checks for these dogs, I knew there were so many important stories that needed to be shared with the world. And this is where A DOG FOR LIFE TV Series was born (Netflix). . 

Recently, due to demand, I started TV commercial casting coaching (private lessons and group workshops) to help models and newbies develop their skills further and build confidence so they too book lots of jobs.

I'm one of the very few who actually love auditioning. I'm not a fan of queuing and I"m certainly not the most patient person, but I see the casting process as an opportunity to practice my skills, get

creative and play. It's such fun!

Most importantly of all, I'm a Mom of 3 kids and 4 furkids and I couldn't be any prouder.


What I do

TV Commercial Actress

TV Commercial Casting Coach - individual and group





"Sue is an absolute professional and has booked too many jobs to count through us. If you were looking for someone to guide you through the casting process and how to be best prepared then you need to look no further than Sue."

Chris Geils, Kayos Casting Director

Sue is a consummate professional both on and off set. We have worked with her on a number of tvc’s over the last 15 years. She nails her casting sessions and callbacks and Directors love working with her as her acting skills are well honed and she understands exactly what is required on set. I can think of no-one better to train young, up-and-coming talent on how to best present themselves at callbacks; on-set etiquette and on-camera performance. Many of the talent we see at callbacks would hugely benefit from the courses she offers.

Nicola Corte, The Big Picture

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”


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